Our Focus @ HFLI

This past Tuesday at our end of the Year meeting and get-together we discussed the coming year 2016 in details, our desires and plans. Most important is our blue print for more partnership’s, both local and international, Increase in Outreach campaigns to rural communities, Increase in effective mentoring programs to the communities, students and outreach campaigns to widows.

In bringing all to perspective, a story told by the Dalai Lama was discussed. It is about a Zen disciple who left his village to live in the neighboring forest and seek enlightenment. He devoted himself to being able to walk on water. Finally, after many years of practice, the disciple mastered the technique.

Then one day, he saw his Zen Master walking by. Keen to demonstrate his mastery, the disciple leapt to his feet and proceeded to walk across the nearby river whilst his Master watched.


“How long did it take you to learn to walk on water?” asked the Zen Master?


“Twenty seven years,” the disciple replied proudly.


“You idiot,” the Zen Master said. “For a few pennies you could have taken the ferry.”


This story brings to light our need to continue to do the right things to reach the less privileged children and widows in our society.

To all our esteemed friends and Partners we thank you so much for the support and partnership.

We’ll be back in February

Until then


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