Category Archives: Programmes

Food Drive and Donation of books.

The food drive organized by the students of the American school provided for over a hundred widows . The school also donated books towards our Library project, pictures of the items donated at the office of Hope for life Initiative. 

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Same Difference Organisation

Hope for Life Initiative recently organised a workshop in collaboration with Same Difference, an organisation based in the United Kingdom (UK). Each child was given a 12 cm x 12 cm card to make a picture. after finishing their picture, … Continue reading

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Excursion to the Nigerian Bottling Company The idea of the trip was to expose these children from poor backgrounds to technological development. The outing broadens their perspective and enables them to make choices on how they can be relevant to … Continue reading

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Christmas Outreach 2010

Christmas event where the children and women were given toys, food and clothes that had been donated. [nggallery id=3]

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